Thursday, January 6, 2011

A few nice Historical images I found:

Woodworth House - 6820 Foster Bridge Rd. Bell Gardens Historical Site


Image by tkksummers

Granddaughter of Antonio Maria Lugo married Wallace Woodworth, an early-day merchant and civic leader in Los Angeles. Their eldest son, Joseph, built a two-story colonial style house at 6820 Foster Bridge Road in 1924. This is considered a state historical site. ( This is considered a California point of historical interest, not a California Historical Landmark, there is a distinction).

This is what we now know as the Woodworth House.

Additionally one of his nine children, Vicente, married and built a two-story adobe home in 1850, located at 6360 Gage Ave. A daughter of Don Antonio Maria married Stephen C. Foster, Mayor of Los Angeles in 1854 and lived in an adobe house just east of 6820 Foster Bridge Road, now marked by a parking lot sadly.

County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors


Term: 1868 - 1871

District: Not Applicable

Born: July 28, 1832

Died: September 13, 1882

Wallace Woodworth served as county supervisor for one term. He was elected to office in 1868 to a two-year term. On September 1, 1869 elections were held for the County's newly devided four district supervisorial seats. Woodworth was not re-elected , but all the incumbents remained in office through 1871.

Woodworth was born July 28, 1832, in Johnstown, Ohio, where he grew up and attended public schools.

In 1853 when he was 21, Woodworth moved to Los Angeles County and became manager of his uncle's ranch. Woodworth got involved in the cattle business, making money buying and selling on a large scale.

In 1858 he left the ranch and formed a partnership with W.H. Perry. The firm of Perry & Woodworth made and sold cabinets and furniture on Main Street. In 1867 the firm organized a natural gas company, and established the first working gas jet lines in Los Angeles.

Woodworth's business success and prominence in political circles led to his election to the county supervisorial seat. After leaving County service, Woodworth later became a member and president of the Los Angeles City Council.

In 1872 his company deversified into the lumber and millling business. Woodworth amassed a larger fortune, and was considered one of the wealthiest men and landwoners in the County.

During this time, Woodworth continued his involvement in politics. He was staunched Democrat, and in 1180 was a delegate to the county convention in Los Angeles, the state convention in San Francisco, and the national convention in Cincinnati.

In the last few years of his life, Woodworth took up framing and specialized in the growing of grapes, oranges, and olives.

His credits included membership in the Masonic Temple, donating to the local orphanages and being considered one of the early pioneer businessmen of Los Angeles.

On September 13, 1882, Woodworth died. He was 50, and was survived by his wife Carrie, and two daughters: Hazel and Juanita.

Source: Bell Gardens Library.

Historical Wheat


Image by chrissam42

At the outdoor historical farmhouse museum. These are original farmhouses from around Japan that were transported to Osaka for preservation. One dated to the 1200s. Photo by Steph.

Pu`uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park


Image by mjsawyer

Pu`uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park -Big Island, Hawaii

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